Best Ideas To Maintain Clear Skin During Rainy Season

maintain clear skin

The proverb says the face is an index of the mind, but climate change ruins our face beauty. It is not fair! Permanently, you can get rid of this problem and maintain clear skin throughout the year.

Do you know how? Nothing can do wonders like natural remedies for the face. Along with it, include an effective monsoon skincare regimen. These two’s presence in the rainy season will let you see the absence of skin problems. 

Some people experience problems even after following a regimen, right? It is because of your unawareness in skin types. This is no longer a problem because you will get separate skincare tips for the monsoon through this article. So, keep exploring to unveil those secrets!

How Monsoon Affects Different Skin Types?

This is a season to expect a sudden increase in humidity and a decrease in temperature. On the other hand, skin also behaves according to this situation. Some will feel extremely oily or dry, and others combat acne. Therefore, it is challenging to prefer the right regimen, so check below.

Dry Skin

The rainy season is an unlucky period for dry skin fellows. It dries their complexion further and makes them can’t enjoy the rain like others. Weather affects their sebum and keeps it to be dull and darker for the entire colder months. 

Climate changes absorb people’s moisture from their complexion and leave it extremely dry.

Do Natural Face Pack Works?

Oily Skin

During this weather leaving skin carelessly increases the skin to produce extra oils. As it results, dirt accumulates on the face and traps the pores. Eventually, the affected surface will start to experience acne breakouts, whiteheads, and blackheads. 

The Combination Skin  

This skin type people have both oily and drier regions. So, the sebum loses its balance and gives two types of problems such as extreme dryness and oily. It damages the face and triggers many skin problems at a time. 

Your skin be anything from these everyone should follow a monsoon skincare routine. This is the right way to protect and keep the complexion beautiful all day.

Best Skin Care Tips For Monsoon

No doubt, cleansing, toning, and moisturizing are ideal routines for every season. Skincare tips vary depending on a person’s lifestyle, skin tone, and pore size. Regardless of following wrong ideas hinders in getting clear skin. You may also experience this situation in real life, isn’t it? If so, let’s find a suitable skincare routine for you.

Oily Skin Type

As the foremost step, oily skin type people should learn to control their natural oil secretion. It is a key to prevent potential damages and easy to retain your beauty.


Wash the face to evade oil, remove bacteria, unclog the pores, and prevent dirt from blocking the pores.

Nothing is the perfect solution to clear dead skin cells from the complexion than exfoliation. So, include exfoliation in the regular monsoon skincare routine.

Use anyone from sugar, coffee, yogurt, or honey in the kitchen as a mild scrubber. Embracing a scrub is crucial to keep oil production in control. 

Applying a natural face mask helps to refresh the skin. In particular, sandalwood, oatmeal, strawberry, banana, and almond face masks are safe and healthy to try during the rainy season. 

Always prefer organic skincare products more than chemicals to get clear skin during monsoon.      

Combination Skin Type & Dry Skin

Here, people should know and practice tips this best idea to maintain clear skin.


Exploit a light-water content cleanser to help the complexion to retain its moisture.

To provide deep hydration, go with a natural moisturizer. Coconut oil is also a significant ingredient to replenish sebum.

Lastly, use a toner to get various benefits.

Monsoon-Friendly Natural Face Masks

Oatmeal Face Pack

This mask promotes deep cleansing and lowering blood sugar levels.

Ingredients: 3 tablespoons of oatmeal, one tablespoon of egg white, honey, and honey.

  • Put them all in a bowl according to the given measure and stir well.
  • Make it a thick consistent paste.
  • Keep it in the refrigerator for a few minutes.
  • Before applying the paste, wash the face properly.
  • Apply the paste on the face and leave for minutes.
  • Clean the paste with lukewarm water.  

Strawberry Face Pack

Pamper your face with this mask to benefit your skin.

Ingredients: 4-6 strawberries, two tablespoons of breadcrumbs, fuller earth, and rose water.

  • Mix them all to make a fine paste and give a strong stir.
  • For 20 minutes, keep the paste on the face.
  • Wash them off with a mild face wash.
  • Again, cleanse the face with cold water.

Effective Home Remedies For Blackheads And Whiteheads

Banana Face Pack

Try this homemade face pack to attain a supple, soft, and beautiful face.

Ingredients: 10-12 mint leaves and one banana

  • Put mint leaves and a half banana in a jar to grind them into a thick paste.
  • Apply a banana face pack to the face for 10 minutes.
  • Then, cleanse the face with cold water when the time is over.

Almond Face Pack

Yeah! Everyone heard that almonds are beneficial for health. But do you know almonds can help to maintain clear skin too? Let’s see how to prepare a face mask with almonds.

Ingredients: 5-6 almonds, 2 tablespoons of oatmeal, full-cream milk, and china clay, 2 drops of lemon juice, 1 mashed avocado.

  • Put them all in a jar and make them as fine paste.
  • Apply this on the face and leave for 20 minutes.
  • Soak a cotton ball in raw milk to wipe them off.
  • Splash cold water, wash your face and gently apply a moisturizer.   

Final Thoughts,

Before trying directly on your skin, consult these tips with a doctor or do a patch test. Hopefully, now, the thought of getting clear skin on monsoon will not remain a dream for many. Paying attention to skincare tips is really worth it and helps the complexion to be healthy.

Hazel is a unique style content creator having a keen sense of people knowledge and how they potentially expects. With such longer perspective, she produce the content in ideal topics that creates strong curiousness among the audience.
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