Best Remedies For Darker Elbows And Knees

Remedies For Darker Elbows 

Why are my elbows and knees dark? Are you ready to know the reason as well as remedies for darker elbows and knees? Let’s dive into the article and know it in a detailed way. Having darker elbows and knees is quite common, if you feel uncomfortable flaunting your shorts because of your dark knees and elbows, it’s time to know the causes and the best effective remedies to this.

 “Greater skin does not appear by chance, it takes effort”

When the body produces more melanin, the skin becomes darker. This type of natural pigment protects skin from harmful rays, and it’s harmless until you find it’s increasing than usual. Make sure to monitor your skincare routine and if you find it disturbing, consult the doctor and ensure it is not a skin disorder. Here are some home remedies that prevent your skin getting darker knees and elbows.

What Causes Dark Knees And Elbows?

Have you found both knees and elbows are darker, or one elbow is darker than the other? Make sure it matches the causes, and treat it with proper remedies.

1. The elbow and knee skin becomes darker due to sun exposure resulting in hyper pigmentation.

2. There may be an overproduction of melanin that determines skin color or dead cells.

3. Wearing tight clothes, pressing or constantly rubbing elbows, and while sitting, bending, or crossing your knees.

4. It can also be a certain skin condition such as psoriasis and eczema

5. There could be inflammation from a previous injury.

Also Read : GreenFoods For Healthy And White Skin 

Home Remedies To Lighten The Darker Knees And Elbows


Yoghurt is rich in lactic acid, helps to exfoliate the skin without irritating and lightens the complexion. This nutrient also aids in producing the melanin that makes your complexion light. Also, it is a bleaching agent that reduces darker elbows into lighter ones. Also, adding vinegar helps to restore the pH level and keep moisture. Apple cider vinegar’s acidity might gradually lighten the skin tone. Therefore following this natural home remedy, you will get a glowing flawless complexion as you expected. 


Yoghurt and Vinegar


1. In a bowl, take one tablespoon of white vinegar and yoghurt

2. Mix it well and apply it on the elbows and knees

3. Leave it for 20 minutes and rinse it off with cold water.

4. Apply the moisture and do this process for some periods to have excellent results.

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Coconut Oil

Coconut oil contains vitamin E and fatty acid, which helps to lighten the complexion. Also, it contains lauric acid that aids in fading of freckles and makes the lighter by maintaining melanin production. Moreover, cold-pressed coconut oil is best to keep the complexion moisturizer and hydrating. 

“Keeping moisture and hydrated solves major skin woes”

Besides, the application of coconut oils is an outstanding remedy for skin brightening around the knees and elbows. It works well when it is added along with lemon juice.


Coconut Oil and Lemon


1. In a bowl, take 1 teaspoon of coconut oil and half a teaspoon of lemon juice.

2. Mix it well and simply rub his mixture on the elbows and knees

3. Leave it for 20 minutes and rinse it off with lukewarm water

Aloe Vera

Aloe is the only natural ingredient that solves many skin woes. Also, it can fight well against hyperpigmentation, so if you are looking for a remedy for darker elbows and knees try this. As aloe vera has a compound called aloesin that helps you to treat various skin conditions like darker elbows and knees, eczema, and sunburn. When you use it regularly, you can find changes in your complexion naturally.


Aloe Vera


1. Take an aloe vera extract and apply it generously on your knees and elbows.

2. Leave it until it gets absorbed by the skin, and apply it overnight to get the best result.

Also Read : ABC Juice For Skin Brightening  

Prevent Your Elbows and Knees From Getting Darker

1. Apply sunscreen with SPF before stepping out; sun exposure is the biggest trigger of hyper pigmentation.

2. Wear elbow and knee pads that prevent from getting injury and friction on the skin.

3. Minimize the pressure on elbows and knees because excessive pressure can cause skin darkening.

4. Treat wounds and injuries, as they can impede skin healing and increase the risk of infections.

5. Use chemical-free products because chemical products may cause inflammation and skin darkening.

Take Away

Darkening elbows and knees are common problems, especially for those who have a darker complexion. If you feel uncomfortable and concerned more about appearance, opt for one of the above remedies for darker elbows and knees. If your complexion does not improve with your care, consult the dermatologist for a better solution. Finally, you may know the cause and cure of darker elbows and knees.

Hazel is a unique style content creator having a keen sense of people knowledge and how they potentially expects. With such longer perspective, she produce the content in ideal topics that creates strong curiousness among the audience.

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