Weight Lifting Workout For Women

weight lifting workout

Have no ideas how to start a weight lifting workout? This article covers what you are looking for.

Of course, it seems challenging when you are a beginner, but no worries since you are here.

A complete one-week beginner weight lifting routine to guide you to tackle with confidence. As a newbie, you do not know how the workout will go, which aids to understand and fix your mind on a specific perspective. This workout includes cardio exercise to lead you to utilize numerous health benefits such as heart health, better cognition & sleep, etc. Besides, you get to know how to do each exercise, warm-up, and proper movements, so you won’t feel challenged.

Weight Lifting Routine

Day 1 – Legs and Core

To make weight training for beginners easy: start with lower-body exercises. Some sets and reps are a must you should practice, so take a sufficient amount of time to keep them in mind. Over time, you should show some improvements comparatively to beginning to see better results. In addition, it is the best weight lifting workout to start and to witness better improvements. 

Glute Bridge


  1. Use a mat or lie down on the floor.
  2. Put your feet on the floor with knees bent, at the same time, maintain hip-width distance.
  3. Place your hand on the floor in the down direction or palm facing down.
  4. By pressing your feet and hand, lift your hip.
  5. As a final step, put your hip down slowly: this is one rep.

You have to follow weight lifting exercises with 2 sets of 10 reps.  

Lateral Band Walk


  1. You need a mini resistance band and place it above your ankles. 
  2. Stand with your hips underneath.
  3. Along with the band, you have to move two steps to the right and move to the alternative side of the right which is one rep.

Do this weight lifting workout for women in 2 sets of 10 reps.   

Dumbbell Squat


  1. Stand straight a little bit wider than your hip.
  2. Keep dumbbells in your hands above your shoulders with a few distances to leave a gap.
  3. Next, begin to sit back (this position seems before sitting on a chair).
  4. stand back to the original pose: this is one rep.

So you have to do this compound weight lifting for 2 sets with 12 reps.

Scissor Kick


  1. Lie on the mat on your back and lift your two legs with 2 – 3 inches from the ground.
  2. Place hands on the floor to get enough support.
  3. Cross your right ankle over the right ankle, then alternatively cross your ankle: this is one rep.

Begin every weight training exercise with a minute rest and do this for 30 seconds.

High Plank 


  1. Lie on the mat like your stomach contacts the ground side.
  2. Place your palm by facing the ground at more distance than your shoulder.
  3. Pull your body entirely above and ensure your spine is engaged with your core.
  4. Hold this position for 30 seconds: this is one rep.

Take a one-minute break and move to the next workout. If you are an intermediate or advanced level trainee, the coach will teach you with weight training for seniors. 

Mountain Climber


  1. Begin this with the position of the High Plank.
  2. Then pull your right knee towards your right elbow.
  3. Slowly step back to High Plank.
  4. Next, pull your left knee towards your left elbow.
  5. Step back to the initial pose: this is one rep.

Repeat this beginner weight lifting for women workout for 30 seconds. 

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Day 2 – Arms

While workout, challenge yourself from your second or third weeks.

Bicep Curl & Overhead Press


  1. Stand with your feet.
  2. Hold the dumbbell on both hands and lift your elbow until the hand reaches your shoulders.
  3. Turn your palm direction to the opposite and lift the dumbbell over your head in a straight pose.
  4. Reverse the actions and stop when you reach the initial pose is one rep.

You have to do weight lifting for weight loss with 4 sets of 12 reps.  

Push-Up: Begin this with a High Plank pose and slowly lower your body until your chest touches the ground. Step back to High plank is one rep; you get effective results in 4 sets of 8 reps.

Plus, Renegade Row and Dumbbell Bench Press compound lifting exercises are included in this category. 

Day 3 – Cardio

The cardio workout consists of a treadmill of all levels, Stairmaster, cycling, and elliptical. You have to do each workout for 30 minutes to enjoy the myriad benefits.    

Day 4 – Stretch & Recover

It is the perfect time to look out for some recovery exercises. You can do any stretching which aids to release lower-back or hip tension for 10 minutes. This is well-known weight training at home for ladies, so you do not need to step out for gym. 

Day 5 – Body Conditioning

This is a day dedicated to a total body circuit workout program. 

Mountain Climber workout is briefly given in the above heading, so check out.

Reverse Lunge with a Knee Drive

This weight workout is likely a running pose.


  1. Stand straight with your feet.
  2. Step back your left leg and bend it to touch your knee with the ground.
  3. Lift your knee and pull your leg forward with your hand’s opposite direction to maintain balance.
  4. Lift your left leg knee towards your chest with drive hands: this is one rep.

When you come under weight lifting for beginners male category, you should do 12 reps for each leg.     

Other exercises are burpee with a tuck jump, dumbbell squat, press, and curl.

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Day 6 – Yoga or Mobility

Varieties of yoga postures are available, but blocks or substitutes are effective poses. For runners and tight hips separate stretching exists, so staff will teach accordingly.  

You will find the same workouts in the weight lifting for weight loss male niche too.

Day 7 – Resting Time

Rest day allotted conditionally due to some good reasons, so make sure to utilize them properly. You can use this day to rest after a heavy working week or hang out with your friends. Do anything that makes you happy that aids you to start next week fresh.  


These weight training for weight loss yet aid to build muscles in a specific period of time yet so say bye to your worry. Hope, this information makes you feel easy and sketches out each workout in your mind. Remember to maintain rest between each workout and increase the reps count over time.

Hazel is a unique style content creator having a keen sense of people knowledge and how they potentially expects. With such longer perspective, she produce the content in ideal topics that creates strong curiousness among the audience.

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