Can Skin Tan Be Permanent

Skin Tan Be Permanent

Everyone loves to have sun-kissed skin because when it hits it gives an instant glow. But your doubt is can skin tan be permanent? Let’s go deeper in detail about how it is possible and the solution for tan removal. Yes, you know sunlight gives vitamin D but also hits you with ultraviolet rays that make melanin form. It is nothing but a substance in your body that produces pigmentation.

Normally your skin protects its own by covering it with many layers that accept limited pigmentation. When it fails to process by exfoliating itself, then your skin becomes darker because your cells are exposed more than usual to the environment. The more it produces, the more the complexion gets shady, so protect yourself by applying sunscreen that helps you from UV rays. Also, some prefer a spray tan that lasts only for a week on your skin. 

“Tan may last and eventually fades but is never permanent”

Also, if your body produces less melanin, your skin becomes lighter. You might have seen people with white patches of skin because of that condition called vitiligo. Add vitamin C to your food to optimize your melanin production. It reduces the chance of skin getting lighter and darker and maintains the skin tone at maximum.

Is skin tan being permanent means no because everybody will regenerate the cells frequently to your complexion. So you might know the lifespan of a tan depends on the tan and skin regenerating process. There are things you can do quickly to fade away the tan or else wait patiently for a natural result by giving even tone skin.

Major Causes Of Sun Tan You Should Know

UV-A Rays Exposure

It is merely ultraviolet rays, which have a longer wavelength and are associated with the functions of skin aging by breaking down collagen. It might cause indirect damage to the cell’s DNA which leads to causing skin cancer. This ray produces more melanin pigment that makes skin darker that gives you a tanned complexion.

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UV-B Rays Exposure

This ray is harmful and produces more energy parallel to the above rays, which affect the DNA in skin cells directly. This ray exposure increases in summer and decreases in winter, and it is responsible for vitamin D production. Make sure to protect your skin from 10 AM to 4 PAM sunlight, where these ray ranges are high and cause multiple skin problems.

UV-C Rays Exposure

It is an artificial ray since it doesn’t get through the earth and reaches the ground. So it is not a risk factor for skin cancer. Many prefer tanning beds to treat their complexion without knowing about UV Radiation, which is dangerous to your complexion. Ensure the product wavelength of radiation; more radiation might increase the chance of skin damage.

“One severe sunburn will double the chance of developing melanoma “

How To Protect Skin From Tanning

Sunburn is the most worrying problem for everyone to think that skin tan is permanent. Chill, tan won’t be permanent until you take off your complexion, and here are some tips to protect your skin when you go out from UV rays.

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Wash And Exfoliate Your Skin

Wash your face thrice a day with a cleanser in minimal usage and once you reach home from outside. You should exfoliate your skin twice in a week to remove dead cells and sunburn complexion. Preferring a cool shower or lukewarm because hot water dehydrates and strips your natural oil. Make sure to keep your skin moisturized with organic oil.

Wear Protective Clothing And Apply Sunscreen

Covering your skin with a cotton cloth is the first position to reduce the hazard of tanning. Also, you should wear gloves that block 98 % of harmful UV rays and less protective clothes and get tanned. And applying sunscreen gives extra protection from ultraviolet rays. Additionally, you can make natural sunscreen in your home and use it before stepping out. 

Mineral-Based Cream Instead Of Makeup Cream

Why should you use minerals in makeup? Because minerals including zinc, selenium, and copper are essential to produce healthy skin. Also, it creates a barrier to your skin and environment that protects you from chemicals and UV rays. This prevents you from aging and is safer than traditional makeup. So preferring mineral-containing cream is always best to get tan-free skin and suits all types of skins.

Evade Applying Perfume And Use Natural Cleanser

Is it true that applying perfume should be avoided when you are out? Of course, this makes your skin more exposed and  sensitive to the sun. Always prefer to use a natural cleanser, which adds more advantages in removing dirt and tan from your complexion. Ingredients you can choose such as Potato, milk, tomato, and rose water. Maybe beauty products give instant results also may not suit all skin types.

“Protect your skin and rejoice in the sunlight”

Take Away

Are you still worrying that your face is tanner than your body? In this article, you got to know the cause and solution for the tan. Ensure to follow the precaution to avoid getting tanned skin. Typically you get tan, and it takes 10 days to get processed by its own exfoliation by regenerating on its own. If you genuinely wish to have a tan-free complexion, then make sure to apply sunscreen and protect your skin well and enjoy your time without worrying about UV rays.












Hazel is a unique style content creator having a keen sense of people knowledge and how they potentially expects. With such longer perspective, she produce the content in ideal topics that creates strong curiousness among the audience.

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