Effective Ideas To Hydrate Your Body During Menstrual Cycle

menstrual cycle

Facing a menstrual cycle every month can be a mess for a woman who has menstrual cramps, mood swings, and bloating. Sometimes, it is unbearable, which leads you to lay down on the bed with a hot water bag. During these times, physical activity is also low; but why don’t you say goodbye and do some tips to yourself? It helps to get through your periods smoothly. 

Appropriate hydration is crucial to uphold overall healthiness and well-being. Staying hydrated during period time is probably the easiest thing, but you do it for your betterment. Adequate hydration helps to alleviate symptoms such as bloating, cramps, and fatigue. This article explores effective ideas to hydrate your body during that time and ensure optimal comfort. 

1. What Happens When You Dehydrate During Menstruation?

During menstruation, your body undergoes various changes including hormonal fluctuations and blood loss. These factors lead to dehydration when it is not managed properly. 

Accurate hydrate helps to combat bloating, water retention, and cramps. They also promote healthy digestion, boost energy, and support your well-being. 

Here are the experiences you have if you are dehydrated:

Bloating And Cramps

When your estrogen and progesterone levels are low during the menstrual cycle, it causes retain water. You feel bloated and experience cramps; drinking at least 8 to 10 glasses of water helps in fighting with menstrual cycle phases.  

Migraine And Headaches

Have you ever known that dehydration causes headaches? Yep! It is also a migraine as there is enough oxygen which does not reach your brain cells. Your brain will temporarily contract from fluid loss, which is caused when not having enough water. It even makes the brain pull away from the skull that leads to 

  • Throbbing headache 
  • Triggering migraine

Enough water will make your brain get back to its normal state. So, hydrate your body during menstrual cycle. 

Best Fruits For Regular Menstrual Cycle

Reduced Urination And Pain

When you are dehydrated, it leads to decreased urine output which causes your urine darker. It happens if your kidney holds on to less water during a period. Apart from that, it leads to pain in the lower abdomen and makes you uncomfortable if urine is not passing often. Having water can reduce pain and activate the urine tract! Therefore, hydration during menstruation is important. 

Feeling Fatigued

Are you feeling fatigued and weaker during menstruation? It is a sign of dehydration, which lowers blood pressure, reducing energy levels. In addition, what happens to your body during your menstrual cycle? When you don’t drink enough water, you will face fluid issues. It is a changed balance; also makes you weak, and your heart has to pump harder. So listen to your body and drink water to manage a comfortable period. 

2. Tips To Stay Hydrated During Menstrual Cycle

After reading the above lines, it helps to know what will happen when you are dehydrated. It makes you understand how important it is to stay hydrated during the menstrual cycle. 

Drinking Sufficient Water 

You know one thing; water should be your primary source of hydration and aim to drink. Having enough water every day is a good thing to go for, and set reminders to stay on track for the water. 

It makes you feel better and improves your overall health. During menstrual cycle dehydration, drinking adequate water helps you be phenomenally relevant for your body. 

Take Hydrating Foods

Taking hydrating foods into your diet is essential; such foods are fruits and vegetables with high water. These foods not only provide hydration, but also deliver essential vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants. 

Foods To TakeFoods To Avoid

Leafy green vegetables





Dark chocolate


Flaxseed oil


Lentils and beans



Peppermint tea



Coffee Alcohol
Spicy foodsRed meatFoods that you can’t tolerate well

Herbal Teas And Infused Water

Include herbal teas and infused water with your hydration routine. You can infuse water with slices of fruits, berries, or herbs to add flavor. Most importantly, drink chamomile, ginger, peppermint, and raspberry leaf teas, which soothe your cramps and can get more hydration. 

Balancing Electrolyte

During the menstruation period, your body will lose electrolytes due to sweat. Also, you meet with hormonal changes and body loss. Replenishing electrolytes is essential, which maintains hydration and optimal body function. To consume electrolytes, eat rich foods like bananas, coconut water, and more. 

Avoid Excessive Caffeine And Alcohol

Caffeine and alcohol can lead to dehydration and exacerbate menstrual symptoms. Small amounts of caffeine may give negative side effects on women. You also know that coffee is not only a source of caffeine, energy drinks are also the reasons. It disrupts sleep, affects your mood, upset your digestion, and reduces your absorption of nutrients. 

3. Hydrate Through The Best Exercises

Regular exercise has numerous benefits to your body during a period. But it can also increase fluid loss through sweating. Hence, hydrate your body during menstrual cycle before and after exercise by drinking water. Many myths about exercise give benefits to 

  • Bloating 
  • Mood swings
  • Irritability 
  • Fatigue
  • Abdominal cramps 
  • Stomach upset 
  • Headache 

 Here you know how proper exercise can balance these physical and hormonal changes. It helps to 

  • Decrease PMS symptoms
  • Experience an endorphin release
  • Gain more strength and power
  • Mood can be enhanced
  • Fights period pains


A light walk is the best exercise that you can simply do during periods. The low-intensity aerobic exercise can help your lungs work properly. All you want is to lace up your favorite sneakers and have a hot walk on the road. You feel how your mood uplift, and it also burns some calories. 


Running in the mild symptoms of period time is also good as well as light movements of your body. It can increase the secretion of endorphins like walking, but you need to run slowly and take some breaks between when you feel uncomfortable. Therefore, running helps to reduce your pain and irritability instantly. Remember your hydration depends on your efforts.  

Does Yoga Helps Regular Menstrual?


Yoga helps to relax your cranky and irritable mood by simply stretching and breathing exercise. It increases your blood circulation and provides noxious protests, which is scientifically proven. The poses you can do with yoga which helps for irregular menstruation. 

  • Cobra Pose
  • Cat and Cow pose 
  • Fish pose


Nowadays, Pilates is the most trending type of workout that helps to relax your body. It also keeps you calm and healthy, and it moves target specific muscle groups. Hence, you can reduce the severity of period cramps. 

Light Lifting 

If you are unable to work, at least lightly lift your weight at your home. Light lifting and power-based moves can result in healthy muscle flexibility and strength.


Simple stretches like rolling on your bed will be beneficial and take deep breaths. It helps to relax body muscles during the menstrual cycle.


Some of them like to dance, are you a person who enjoys dancing? Then enroll yourself in the Zumba class or dance in your home with your comfy person. 


Swimming is the most relaxing and gentle exercise you can do when you are in your period. You won’t bleed out if your flow is light, and you can use tampons for that. Do you know doctors suggest that females will bleed less when they are in cold water? Yes! You can also hydrate through warm baths and showers. 

On The Whole!

Staying hydrated is vital for managing symptoms and supporting your overall well-being during period time. Just ensure your body remains hydrated and energized by these ideas!

Hazel is a unique style content creator having a keen sense of people knowledge and how they potentially expects. With such longer perspective, she produce the content in ideal topics that creates strong curiousness among the audience.

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