How To Stop Skin Dryness In Winter Days

skin dryness in winter

Winter is not all about skating, snow-play or sledding also causes dry skin.

Of course, you are here because of skin damage due to the season change. Luckily, you reach the right place; this blog guidance helps you to retain your beauty in winter too. There are several tips and treatments exist to replenish moisture on the face, so you can stay with clear skin. 

Yes! Snowing season is an excellent relief from scorching heat and humidity, but be ready to tackle another set of complexities.   

And, knowing more in detail about the causes of skin dryness in winter, signs, and prevention tips direct you to remain carefree next time, right? So let’s see everything from scratch to the end.   

Cause Of Winter Skin Dryness

The major reason for dry skin is sudden changes in humidity and temperatures. When the skin barrier fails and sustains damage that leads to dryness or irritation. On the other hand, if your skin loses sufficient moisture, then dryness will appear. 

At the same time, using harsh soap and rubbing complexion vigorously gives dry skin. Since the cause of skin dryness is overwhelming, you should be careful with each potential risk factor.      

Winter Dry Skin Signs

If you experience any of the symptoms below, then you need the right treatment right now. So check the skin dryness in winter symptoms:

  • Stinging
  • Itching
  • Cracks
  • Flaking 
  • Redness
  • Feeling sensitive to touch

To consider the best medication, explore the preventive tips below.  

How To Maintain Your Skin Tone In Summer + Rainy Days

Exclusive Treatment For Dry Skin

Following simple yet effective home remedies for skin care regimen is enough to tackle dryness. When you lose humidity, rehydrate the epidermis (outer layer of the skin) if you want to keep your sebum at bay. 

Be sure to step back from lotions, thinner gels, and creams that can make the damaged skin condition worse. For this, the best alternative is a moisturizer that contains lauric acids, linolenic and linoleic. These elements’ presence aids you to soothe the skin; additionally, ingredients like silicone, mineral oil, and lanolin seal the moisture into your sebum.     

Preventive Tips

When you follow the below steps skin dryness in winter is no more a problem at all. 

Basic Skin Prevention

To prevent dry skin, you should memorize three mantras:

  • Sustain moisture
  • Always keep healthy fats in your food routine, like olive oil or avocado
  • Stop drinking alcohol and caffeine 

These three suits every season to get rid of dry skin. 

Ideas To Protect Your Skin In Rainy Season

Indulge A Winter Skincare Routine 

Does your skin easily get irritated or sensitive to the winter air? Then opt for a simple skincare regimen. Whenever your sebum remains healthy, it will respond normally to toners or other treatments. 

This season is also a time for facing abnormal feelings while using regular products. In that case, you need to try moisturizer, gentle cleanser with moisturizer at night, and sunscreen for the morning.    

Stop Bathing In Hot Water

No denying, during winter stands amidst steam and taking a hot shower makes you feel good. But when you have dry skin, this is the point you make your sebum to act abnormal. It is because taking a hot bath absorbs oil excessively and leaves you out of moisture.

Yeah! It is extremely terrible to bathe in normal water, especially in the winter. But you can practice it by cutting off heat in the water or shower quickly.   


Exfoliation is a great idea to stay hydrated and fend off the skin from getting dry. 

During experiencing damage in summer, scrubbing is the right, but in winter: opt for an oil-based exfoliator. It keeps your skin retain humid and provides rejuvenation. 

Avoid exfoliating often; twice a week is enough and you can see seamless results. Don’t approach products that contain wrinkle-fighting elements; it certainly worsens dry skin.     

Keep Lotion Handy

Even after continuing a skincare regimen some body parts like back hands and feet tops drying out. In such a situation, keeping lotion or cream around you is a brilliant idea to reapply often and protect it.   

Pre-Treatment Of Dry Skin

You can analyze or collect detail when the temperature suddenly drops or winter is just days away, right? So start keeping winter products around you and apply them regularly to prepare the skin for the coming cooling months. 

Continue Your Sunscreen Cream

In reality, sunscreen is not alone for the summer season: but also winter too. It doesn’t mean scorching heat absence can’t affect you anymore; because harmful UV rays still exist to damage the skin. 

To maintain health and hydration, you need a protective layer on your face i.e. sunscreen. After applying moisturizer, exploit sunscreen with SPF 30 at your every morning before stepping out. 

Consistently Follow Skincare Regimen

Following winter skincare for once or occasionally is not worth it; you have to stick with a particular regimen. Truly following a routine can give a long way result with a huge difference, so try to complete colder months. 

In particular, when you fall behind heavy itchy or dryness better go with heavy-duty moisturizer to get back to normal.   

Consume Sufficient Water

The main key to target glowing and clear skin is to stay hydrated from the inside. In addition, you can escape from dry skin problems in the winter season or any cooling climate. 

Drinking sufficient water is essential and you can create a positive impact on your skin health. It helps the sebum to attain humidity, refresh, elasticity, tighten and flush out toxins. Besides, you can also intake supplements or foods which are overwhelming with omega-3 or omega-6 to prolong moisture.    

Promote Healthy Diet

Since the complexion directly links with gut health, it is imperative to follow a healthy diet. Eat the below-listed foods daily if you want to ensure your skin health.

Sunflower Seeds: For its contain vitamin E and rich nutrients, eat them regularly. 

Bell Peppers: Consuming it equals to replenishing the complexion with vitamin C and beta-carotene. These two presences improve skin health and protect the sebum from potential damage.

Avocado: It is rich in vitamin E and C, which means you can obtain nourished skin and escape from sun damage.

Incredible Health Benefits Of Consuming Lemon In Different Ways

Salmon: To increase zinc, vitamin E, and omega-3 fatty acids range in your complexion indulge fatty fish recipes. It can treat skin inflammation and keep the skin humid.

Almonds: Intakes it equals to absorb heavy protein, selenium, vitamin E, zinc, and good fats.

Sweet Potatoes: If you like eating sweet potatoes, then you can suck its advantages. This is because it is rich in beta-carotene and prevents sun skin damage.   

When You Need Doctor Advice?

Of course, you have several home remedies to get rid of dry skin in winter effortlessly. But some people differ in their skin type and their skin won’t respond normally to organic skin treatments. So they need to reach out to dermatologists when their skin experiences serious problems. An expert or doctor will recommend the right medication and prescriptions to get back to a normal state.     

Bottom Lines 

Skin dryness in winteris a common issue everyone will experience, so don’t fret. Just learn the necessary preventive tips from the above and protect your skin. Besides, use smooth clothes, gloves, and humidifiers to stay carefree during the entire snowy season. Remember to consult a doctor when your skin needs medical advice while using home remedies.

Hazel is a unique style content creator having a keen sense of people knowledge and how they potentially expects. With such longer perspective, she produce the content in ideal topics that creates strong curiousness among the audience.
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