Best Home Remedies For Lip Pigmentation

Home Remedies for Lip Pigmentation

What Is Lip Pigmentation?

Lip pigmentation is a common problem among women, and it is caused by many factors, including lifestyle and much more. Dark and pigmented lips make you conscious and humiliated. Also, many home remedies for lip pigmentation are available to get rid of it naturally. It is not that big, yet to be treated in a foundation before it leads to a problem that is difficult to solve. 

What Causes Lip Pigmentation?

There can be many reasons: exposure to the sun, dry lips, smoking, pregnancy, excessive consumption of caffeine, allergic reaction to toothpaste, lipstick, and lip sucking. These are the external and internal causes of your lip pigmentation, so make sure to treat and care for yourself naturally and avoid getting lip pigmentation.

Lip Pigmentation Home Remedies

Hyper pigmentation on your lips will be faded? yes with proper care with certain DIY for easy solving lip pigmentation, and with regular use, also proves to be quite effective.However, some natural home remedies for lip pigmentation give you effective results.  

“When you have brighter lips, you have brighter smile”

Lime Lip Pack

Lemon and honey hold natural healing properties that remove chapped and help to lighten the pigmented lips. Pure honey keeps hydrating lips and makes them smooth and supple. Also, lemon is an excellent bleaching property that turns your darker or pigmented pink lips.


Lemon and raw honey 


1. Take 2 tablespoons of lemon juice and 1 tablespoon of honey in the bowl. 

2. Mix it well and apply it to your lips. 

3. Make sure to leave it for 30 minutes and wash it off with lukewarm water.

4. Repeat this process until your lips become pink in nature.

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Scrub For Pigmented Lips

Naturally, lemon holds a natural lightening property which helps to reduce the darker and pigmented lips. Also, including sugar, it acts as an effective organic exfoliate that removes dead cells and improves the color of your lips.


Lemon and Sugar


1. In a bowl, take 1 teaspoon of lemon juice and 2 teaspoons of granulated sugar.

2.  Mix it well and rub it on your lips.

3. Let it dry overnight, and rinse your lips the next morning with lukewarm water.

4. Repeat this process thrice a week until your lips become pink in nature.

Beetroot Lip pigmentation Scrub Mask

Beetroot is one of the excellent vegetables that removes pigmentation from your lips and works as a detoxifier; it nourishes also, keeps your lip moist. Moreover, it is an inexpensive ingredient with much more benefits and is available in the home pantry. Also, beetroot reduces the pigmentation and instantly gives you pink lips.  


Beetroot, Coconut Oil, and Sugar


1. In a bowl, take 1 teaspoon of sugar, 2 teaspoons of beetroot juice, and 1 teaspoon of coconut oil.

2. Mix the ingredients well and scrub them evenly to the lips for 20 to 30 seconds.

3. Leave it for some minutes and wipe it off with a soft cloth 

4. Repeat this process twice a day and until you gets an even tone pink color lips.

“Beautiful lips with lovely smile captivates the heart”

Almond Oil Lip Massage

Almond oil is rich in vitamins B2 and B6, which help to treat the pigmented and dark layer of lips, and adding milk to this will keep your lip hydrated and nourished. Also, Vitamin E in the almond oil will lighten the melanin pigment, helps to remove Decoloration in lips, and makes even pink color lips as you expected. 


Almond Oil and Lime juice


1. Take 1 teaspoon of almond oil and lime juice in a bowl.

2. Mix it well and rub it over the lips.

3. Leave it for 5 minutes and wash it off with lukewarm water.

4. Repeat this daily to boost blood circulation and bring pink color lips naturally.

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Turmeric Paste

Turmeric has antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties, which helps brighten the lip’s color and effectively lighten the melanin pigmentation, so this remedy helps you with lip depigmentation.


Turmeric and Milk


1. Take 1 tablespoon of turmeric and 1 teaspoon of milk into the bowl

2. Mix it well to the thick paste; apply it on your lips

3. Leave it for 10 minutes and rinse it off with cold water.

4. Repeat this process until your lips get a natural even toned pink color.

Is It Possible To Remove Pigmentation On Your Lips? 

Yes, it can be removed, if you treat lip pigmentation in earlier stages. When you see lip pigmentation, treat it in the beginning with the finest home remedies for pigmentation around your lips, and get natural pink lips. Natural remedies with Vitamin C rich in antioxidants will protect your lip from getting pigmented. Also consult a doctor, when it gets severe.

How To Prevent Pigmented Lips?

Protect Your Lips

Yes, you might overlook your skin and forget to care for your lips at times, so make sure to care for and maintain your lips with organic remedies. 

“Hydration keeps all your problems away”

Stay hydrated because lips get dehydrated easily, so lemon and cucumber in your juice regularly keep away the pigmentation of lips.

Quit Smoking

Nicotine brings problems to health; it makes skin change its color and also ends badly for your lips, lungs, and skin. When you quit smoking, you might find a visible and shocking difference on your lips. So ensure to protect your lips from the inside out.

Wiping Lips After Eating And Drinking

When spicy foods stay on your lips, it will burn and stimulate melanin which gives you spots and pigmentation and makes your lips and mouth darker. So make sure to clean your mouth after eating or drinking.

Bottom Line

Lip pigmentation is a common problem, and it occurs by many external factors. The above information helps to know the cause, remedies, and prevention of lip pigmentation. Relying on beauty products like lip balm and lip cream gives instant results, but natural remedies are the best treatment you can do at home and get a natural permanent result. Also, choose your remedies according to your conditions because choosing the wrong ones leads to allergic reactions.

Hazel is a unique style content creator having a keen sense of people knowledge and how they potentially expects. With such longer perspective, she produce the content in ideal topics that creates strong curiousness among the audience.

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