He Miss Me Or Not? Signs Shows A Guy Is Missing You

Miss Me or Not

As a woman, you are very expressive and emotional expecting the same from men. But it is impossible for you to know whether he miss me or not right? Navigating relationships and feelings is hard. Whether you are long-distance or together, it can be challenging to read his feelings. Men are good at hiding their emotions, especially admitting that he misses you. It is always simple to say that you share and express each other’s feelings, but it’s not that simple for long distances.

“You may be out of his sight, but never out of his heart and mind”

Also, that puts you in a situation where you need to figure out if he misses you, what he is thinking etc. Does he miss me as I miss him is the first question when you leave him right? Men’s behavior certainly reveals their true feelings. So end the confusion by focusing on what he does instead of what he says. This article answers your question. My boyfriend doesn’t miss me. This is one of the signs he misses you and is trying to figure out his feelings for you.

He Texts You Often

If he misses me, why doesn’t he text you the question you keep thinking. When you notice his behavior, he may text you more than usual, like simply to ask if you had  food, your plan, etc. Also, if you receive messages from him quite often, it’s a clear sign that he misses you. Regardless, it shows he has been thinking about you and wants to know what is going on in your life.

He Calls You Just To Hear Your Voice

You may ask him u miss me? He hides and simply teases you. Also, he may find a silly reason to speak to you that indirectly says he misses you a lot. Make sure to note this kind of sign and know about his feelings towards you without thinking he does not miss you. Calling you to hear your voice makes him feel loved and is a sign that he misses you.

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Ask You To Send Selfie

A guy who asks for your picture means he wants to see your face and remember how cute you are. As he misses you, your picture makes him happy, and he wants to think about you whenever he takes his phone. Besides, when he finds free time to look at your face that he misses you badly, so note this kind of sign is indirectly conveying that he misses you.

He Talks About You

Will distance make her miss me? He also wants to know that you miss him. So he indirectly communicates with your friends about you. When you miss the person, you may keep on talking about their moments to others in every single discussion. Though he misses you much, he indirectly expresses it with his friends talking proudly about you. This is a clear sign that he misses you a lot in many ways.

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He Is All Over Your Social Media

You doubt that he miss me or not right? Yes, he misses you a lot but hides well without expressing it to you. He may pay more attention to your social media, like, tagging you in the posts, or mentioning you in the comment. Also, he sent you a message about what you posted. This shows you are on his mind, and he wants to know how you are doing etc, it is the way to keep conversation with you. That’s one of the signs he misses you. 

He Insists You Meet

I miss him when he’s not around, and he too will miss you. As you men are less expressive, they might not say you. He always plans or asks about your plans because he surprisingly plan the dates to spend time with you when free. So he may indirectly ask about your plan, which means the guy misses you and he insists on seeing you. Words are nothing when followed by actions, so be smart and wait for him to prove that he really wants to see you and misses you.

Final Thought

Most men are guarded and closed when it comes to expressing how they feel. You may feel like they are pulling away from you, as they are not expressive. Therefore, make sure to note the above mentioned signs and know whether he miss you or not. Even though he loves you very much, he always misses you, but he is overly tough to express with you. Knowing his clear signs helps you to know that he is missing you when you are not around.

Hazel is a unique style content creator having a keen sense of people knowledge and how they potentially expects. With such longer perspective, she produce the content in ideal topics that creates strong curiousness among the audience.

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