The Best Employee Recognition – Wow Awards 

best employee recognition wow awards

Honoring employees is the best thing a well-versed organization can do isn’t it? Yeah! Wow awards do it in an exceptional way. Are you aware of them? Only a few know about them. It’s time to bring them to the limelight. 

But, before that, why is it necessary to bestow an award? A single medal, simple shoulder pat, promotion, or any token of appreciation creates a huge impact on every employee’s life. They become the happiest person on the globe and ignite the best version inside them. Besides, it also triggers co-workers and newbies to work more efficiently & productively.  

Well choosing an outstanding worker from your company is quite difficult for every owner. Don’t worry; Wow Awards are doing them by awarding deserving candidates with your customer’s help. Yes, it’s for real!

Let’s know about them in detail. 

About Wow Awards

Typically WOW holds the abbreviation Wonderful Outstanding Worker. This organization is proving its true and recognizing preeminent workers across many locations. 

It is an annual event to appreciate the best of the best employees and organizations only based on customer nominations. The Wow award was established in 1997 to honor every dedicated and sincere employee and organization.  

Who are all eligible? Local government, police forces, financial services, NHS Hospitals, contact centers, housing associations, retail, manufacturing, and utilities. Apart from the annual event, you can nominate a deserving person through WOW Awards official website. Every single month, you can nominate a worthy employee and all your nominations are judged & certificates are bestowed to encourage their outstanding work. 

Half of the year passed, it’s time to check this year’s award nominees and finalists. Be an early bird, because the event takes place on 28th November 2023 in London. Enough of the introduction! Let’s dive in!

Awarding Category 2023 

The unique thing about these awards is it’s truly based on customer or patient voting and as per that specific employee’s record. In addition, they can come under any public and private sector, every organization is eligible for this award. 

For this year, they filtered out only the top most deserving candidates over the 34,000 nomination entries in various categories. Take a look at them, 

Awards And Honors Bestowed In The Name Of Legends

Individual Of The Year – Customer Experience

This award is quite similar to the person of the year but on the selection criteria – customer experience. When the individual is notably influencing every customer with their friendly and gentle approach then, they are eligible for this award.   

Customer Impact Award 

If a particular individual’s approach leaves a positive impact on the customers, then you can nominate them under this category. How can you identify them? Watch their activities keenly and consider choosing them after reading these points. 

  • Friendly approach with co-workers and new customers 
  • Asking for feedback after a new product launch 
  • Handling customer problems with confidence 
  • Consistency and loyalty 

Inspirational Individual Award 

Recognizing the inspiring individual is two-way beneficial for your organization. Yes, they would like to stay with your esteemed company and work more efficiently than before. And also, keep on inspiring everyone in the workstation with their positive smiles. It boosts the work environment as well as your organization. 

Moreover, this award is eligible for a skilled individual with progressive thinking so, nominate such workers.   

Internal Service Star Award 

Internal service award is definitely for the higher badge staff and senior workers. 

Yeah! As owners, surely you partitioned the work burden between various employees. Therefore, for newbies and subordinates proper guidance & help is necessary to familiarize the work environment. 

In that case, these people assist them and bring confidence in their work. Hence, awarding them is the most significant thing for the development of your organization. Next year, grab this opportunity and make plans to nominate the passionate worker. 

Outstanding Management And Leadership Award 

As mentioned above, is also an award to recognize the higher grade employees. How can you identify them? Every business owner is aware of these things still, this list of points helps you to nominate the right person, 

  • Prioritizing work 
  • Calm and gentle approach in everything 
  • Taking responsibility even if it is not their fault 
  • Respecting everyone equally 
  • Conversing and answering patient’s or customer’s questions politely 
  • Acting upon the situation wisely 
  • Managing everything ease on time  

If you have a gem with these well-versed qualities, then don’t forget to reward and nominate them. 

Best Customer Or Patient Feedback Strategy Award 

Well, this award might sound weird still, but it makes sense. While approaching customers they have certain queries regarding specific things. As exceptional employees they work on the query and derive a winsome strategy to satisfy them, the next time. 

Such an act helps the organization’s growth and enhances trust among the others in your sector. Make sure, you nominate them to uplift their life to another level. 

Top-Class Prestigious Award For Writers

Customer Commitment Award 

Typically, customer commitment is their overall satisfaction. So, employees, who care about customer fulfillment and work for the development of the organization, are deserving candidates. 

Create an opportunity for such people by nominating them for Wow awards and bringing them to the spotlight. 

Meeting Customer Need Awards 

This award is quite the same as the commitment award, which is given to the best employee or organization that meets customer needs. For instance, if your company can satisfy utmost every consumer’s requirements then, for sure, they will nominate you under this.  

Service Excellence Award 

Whether you can be a customer or owner, appreciating excellence is the best way to enhance a dedicated employee’s credibility. Without delay, make it happen, give their name to wow awards nominations, and witness happy faces of sincere workers. 

On A Whole! 

Hopefully, now you get ideas about the wow awards and how they recognize employees and the best institution. As satisfying customers, promoting a business is up to you and is the responsibility of every consumer. Therefore, make it happen by nominating them and be a reason to put on a brighter grin! 

Hazel is a unique style content creator having a keen sense of people knowledge and how they potentially expects. With such longer perspective, she produce the content in ideal topics that creates strong curiousness among the audience.

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